Did you think that you would ever see a wide back fabric as lovely as Skylines? Or Hoffman’s Bali Sunflower? Or Mystic Meadow?
That’s right! We took some of our most popular designs in batiks and digital prints and blew them up BIG! As in 108 inches wide big. That means with our popular Skylines cityscape, the building reach nearly 9 feet. How cool is that?
Of course you can count on Hoffman wide back fabrics to offer the same premium quality as our regular-width goods.
We’re packaging our wide backs in user-friendly 3-yard cuts – the perfect size for quilt backs. Look for our beautiful fabrics folded in clear bags bearing our super-cute product name … wait for it … Hoffman 3-Sums!
They add just the right touch of elegance and beauty, and they’re so pretty you can also use them for seamless borders or bindings, whole-cloth quilts and duvets, pillows, dust ruffles, tablecloths, slipcovers, curtains and other chic DIY home décor.
Ask for a 3-Sum at your favorite Hoffman retailer!

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